Sunday, December 28, 2008

Growing Pains

Hello and Welcome to another installment of the Começo family. I highly recommend reading the last chapter if you haven't (Click here for main page). I'm not really one for recaps so I'll dive right in!

....and we have a not-so-great start.....

"Muhahaha, I am here for all your hard-worked possessions..which happens to be..."

....nooo! Not the crib!....

"I'm only after the twirly-sleepy thingie, I'm not that heartless.."

Oh thank goodness, you can have that useless thing..

"I'm not done yet.."


"Your tots are doomed to be creativity challenged!"

Boo! You suck.

"Learn to pay your bills, ma'am"

I fully admit I am the worst at birthdays. So Aceline here grew up without a cake...

Aceline grew up to a pretty child. I absolutely love the fact that she got her papa's eyes. It's such a lovely blue color.

"Why thank you, dear creator.."

"I go by Supreme Being"

"...and I'd like to be called Princess Aceline.."

Smart Mouth.

(I'll post information regarding each child as they transition into teens. I think its easier that way.)

Meanwhile, Aadi tried to make friends with the local citizens..

"I don't think this is a good idea, Sir. My stomach feels as if it dropped to the bottom of my feet..."

"Oh phooey, children love this!"

"I am a Legacy Spare, Sir! We differ from common children"

"Okay okay, geez. Weird legacy sims.."

Aadi did nothing but paint in her spare time. So ardent is her quest to skill that she actually finished her Papa's portrait and started on another!

Soon it was time for the heir to grow into a toddler. His older sisters were there to celebrate with him....well mostly..

"I must finish this picture so I can continue to create one in my likeness!"

"Your such a silly goose, Ace"

"I am to be referred as Princess Aceline!"



"Shush, you two, Aden is about to grow, we must pay attention!"

Aden transitioned into an ADORABLE toddler. His papa proceeded to taught him all his toddler skills that night.

Aadi grew into teenhood with little fanfair. She was a natural beauty in horrible clothes.

"Please tell me you have appropriate clothing for me? I expect to have a full wardrobe."

Your mama has been slaving all through the night to sew your clothing. So yes you do.

Aadi rolled Family. Sigh. With a life time want of being an Education Minister. This career will open the field for women to attend the University. The catch is that Education is not free for women. Family of teens are required to pay a tuition fee which is 20,000 simoleons per girl.

Aadi Começo
Family Sim

Life Time Want: Become Education Minister
Personality: Leo S/Neat 6, S/Outgoing 10, L/Active 7, S/Playful 10, Grouchy/N 1

At least, she's a mean sim, eh? My fave.

Being a family sim, it was no hardship for Aadi to pay attention and care for her brother.

"Who is unfairly named heir just because he is male? You are! Yes you!"

Heh. Well no ones perfect..

By this time, Alief is almost top of his career life time want. The family isn't rich but they aren't poverty-stricken either...

"Everything is almost as it should be! I sure would love a rig though.."

Perhaps next chapter, darling. I need to download the carriage and horses first.

I finally remembered to join the garden club. Within the first try, I was able to get a wishing well. You don't need to have an awesomely made garden..just make it big enough. I have a 6x6 farming land/plot/garden (whatever) and I have two trees. That's it. Well, it also helps that Alief and Afella has golden badges in gardening so everything is thriving.

In the wee hours of the night, Aadi decided to take advantage of the wishing well. She wished for Romance and landed Alvin. It is an added benefit that she has three-bolts with him! I can certainly say that wishing for love will be a trend for this family!

I already pretty much made up my mind that my Aadi will be marrying this sim. See what a fantastic gift-giver he is? This added nicely to the family funds!

Urk. This isn't what it seems. I actually had Aden blow his candles earlier but for some unknown reason he absolutely refused to transition. So it wasn't until he woke up HOURS later that he grew by himself. Isn't he adorable?

Gurr. What did we ever do to you?

"Your legacy sims are a menace!"

You two are just jealous.

(Yes, for some reason my neighborhood must be filled with mean Sims who have nothing better to do than knock over MY trashcan. GURK)


And here I leave you! I hope you enjoyed it and I'll be updating soon! Happy holidays!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Routines Abound

Hello and Welcome to another installment of the Começo family. If you haven't read the first part, please do so...


Life did not settle easily in the Começo household, there was hardly any money nor was there any space. The newly made parents could not get an ounce of sleep as the baby slept right next to them. Aadi was a demanding little tyke and it took all her mother's energy to watch over her. It didn't help that Afella was pregnant with her second child.

"And the blame lies solely on you, my dear.."

"I apologized, I was overly excited about the promotion and I--"

"I wasn't talking to you, love, but to the Supreme Bit--"

*coughs* We need an heir, alright?

...this time around, Afella tossed her cookies constantly..this of course did not put her in an accomodating mood..

"Take that, you stupid $%$##$#$!"

Little Aadi's birthday finally arrive. Unfortunately, her Papa was at work and her Mama woke up too late to purchase her a birthday cake.

"I was taking a nap! This pregnancy is sapping my strength!"

With a bang of confetti, Aadi transformed into an adorable child---with the unfortunate Maxis hair style.

With a new hair cut, Aadi was a cutie pie even with her teeth protruding from her chin.

Her Mama taught her how to talk and potty...

...her adoring Papa taught her how to sing and walk...

"I cannot wait for my son to arrive!"
It'll most likely be a daughter.

"How do you know?"

I just know.

Afella took the time in between Aadi's naps to learn all the household chores. Cooking, cleaning, farming plus a toddler kept her busy.

"To think I was a great heiress this time last year, why I never had to lift a finger for myself!" think by now you'd be pregnant with some old man's spawn!

"Yes, and there was matter! I love my life such as it is..."

Afella made sure to befriend everyone passing her little house. Afterall, they did need those promotions. Her favorite topic of course was...

"....yes, gestating is a natural state for a woman! Why Alief was just complimenting me last night about my glow...of course, I disabused him of that notion and informed him that it is simply sweat from running around the house all day! Why, you would not believe the fascination little Aadi has for the toilet! is simply--"

Err. What happened to that glow, Afella?

"I simply took too long to come back in from farming, I really do need some help around the house.."

Sorry, no NPCs until after generation 5 per Adam and Eve rules...

"Blast it, how about those robots one of the townies was talking about.."

Wrong time period, Afella.

"Ugh, your of no use to me, begone!"

Sheesh. Cranky Pregnant Sims.

"I do not care what that woman says, this is a boy, Afella.."

"I just want it out of me as quickly as possible.."

Labor finally set in after a vigorous round of house cleaning.

"Ugh, I told you that the fumes from that toilet was NOT healthy for pregnant women!"

Sorry but someone had to clean it and you were handy. Plus Aadi was eyeing it again and I wouldn't want her playing in that filth.

"Your chattering, can't you see I'm in labor?"

Oh right. Spin and twirl please.

...and here we have Aceline Comeco. Aceline has both her parent's skintone but her father's hair color and eyes. The name Aceline originates from the French and means 'Noble at Birth'.

"It is only fitting, why my blood lines could be traced back to King--"

Yes yes, King whatchamacallsit, I don't need a history lesson.

"You are impertinent!"

Why thank you, yes I am.

By this time, Alief already found his Life Time Want career track. It took forever let me tell you especially with only the newspaper around to use!

With the promotions rolling in and the help of my fantastic budgeting skills, I was able to expand our shack into a small home!

"How come the baby's room have flooring and wall paper and the rest don't?"

Err, children are the future?

"She stinks and she's loud.."

You've just described your average typical baby, Alief.

"MY daughter is not average nor typical!"

Being friendly sure got its perks...I got another flat screen TV with this and...

I'm telling you networking is great! Take my advice and just greet people randomly with EVERY greeting on the menu...starting with the most appropriate of course (like sporty people with high five etc.)

Indeed, Afella is once again expecting!

"This is the very last time! I am not to put up with this anymore, you hear me?"

"There there, sweetheart, how about a nice nap? I'll clean the house for a change.."

Bump! Shocking!

"You shut your--"

Okay okay, I was just sharing!

Afella and Aadi love to spend time together. Afella would read out loud and Aadi would listen intently while she played with her toys..

"..and then she took him apart with her bare hands and he was never seen again.."

"Mummy like her...when I gwow up!"

Aadi is a mean sim...obviously..

The youngest and the heir was finally born. His name is Aden which originates from the Irish and means 'Little Fire'. He has his dad's hair color and eyes.

Aadi's birthday coincided with her brother's birth. She, of course, demanded that she get a birthday cake.

"..course, I am a pwincess!"

With a twirl, Aadi transformed into a beautiful child!

"Oh Lordy, look at the clothing she grew into!"

"No no, definitely a change of clothes is in order!" muttered Alief.

"I am magnificient! ...and my hand too!"

Yes yes, now go change!

The following night, it was Aceline's turn to toddlerize. That infant toss never fails to make me cringe!

Aceline more or less looked like her older sister. That is to be expected since both parent's carry the same skintone! She's still adorable though!

Afella taught all of her children most of the skills needed. As a player, I am very managing like that. They have to have an awesome life. Does that make me a sucker?

"No, that makes you an irritating--"

My ego is fragile. Shush.

Aadi made friends with the local townie kids...she also managed to get an A report card very quickly..

"It is proof of my magnifi--"

Yes, yes, we get it.

Surprisingly, Afella got along really well with her younger sister, Aceline.

"Of course, we are women, we must stick together! It is dastardly unfair that we cannot be heir! After all we are magni--"

"---fwicent!" finished Aceline. Both children laughed with delight in each other.



And this is where I leave you! I hope you enjoyed it. I'll update soon!