Sunday, December 28, 2008

Growing Pains

Hello and Welcome to another installment of the Começo family. I highly recommend reading the last chapter if you haven't (Click here for main page). I'm not really one for recaps so I'll dive right in!

....and we have a not-so-great start.....

"Muhahaha, I am here for all your hard-worked possessions..which happens to be..."

....nooo! Not the crib!....

"I'm only after the twirly-sleepy thingie, I'm not that heartless.."

Oh thank goodness, you can have that useless thing..

"I'm not done yet.."


"Your tots are doomed to be creativity challenged!"

Boo! You suck.

"Learn to pay your bills, ma'am"

I fully admit I am the worst at birthdays. So Aceline here grew up without a cake...

Aceline grew up to a pretty child. I absolutely love the fact that she got her papa's eyes. It's such a lovely blue color.

"Why thank you, dear creator.."

"I go by Supreme Being"

"...and I'd like to be called Princess Aceline.."

Smart Mouth.

(I'll post information regarding each child as they transition into teens. I think its easier that way.)

Meanwhile, Aadi tried to make friends with the local citizens..

"I don't think this is a good idea, Sir. My stomach feels as if it dropped to the bottom of my feet..."

"Oh phooey, children love this!"

"I am a Legacy Spare, Sir! We differ from common children"

"Okay okay, geez. Weird legacy sims.."

Aadi did nothing but paint in her spare time. So ardent is her quest to skill that she actually finished her Papa's portrait and started on another!

Soon it was time for the heir to grow into a toddler. His older sisters were there to celebrate with him....well mostly..

"I must finish this picture so I can continue to create one in my likeness!"

"Your such a silly goose, Ace"

"I am to be referred as Princess Aceline!"



"Shush, you two, Aden is about to grow, we must pay attention!"

Aden transitioned into an ADORABLE toddler. His papa proceeded to taught him all his toddler skills that night.

Aadi grew into teenhood with little fanfair. She was a natural beauty in horrible clothes.

"Please tell me you have appropriate clothing for me? I expect to have a full wardrobe."

Your mama has been slaving all through the night to sew your clothing. So yes you do.

Aadi rolled Family. Sigh. With a life time want of being an Education Minister. This career will open the field for women to attend the University. The catch is that Education is not free for women. Family of teens are required to pay a tuition fee which is 20,000 simoleons per girl.

Aadi Começo
Family Sim

Life Time Want: Become Education Minister
Personality: Leo S/Neat 6, S/Outgoing 10, L/Active 7, S/Playful 10, Grouchy/N 1

At least, she's a mean sim, eh? My fave.

Being a family sim, it was no hardship for Aadi to pay attention and care for her brother.

"Who is unfairly named heir just because he is male? You are! Yes you!"

Heh. Well no ones perfect..

By this time, Alief is almost top of his career life time want. The family isn't rich but they aren't poverty-stricken either...

"Everything is almost as it should be! I sure would love a rig though.."

Perhaps next chapter, darling. I need to download the carriage and horses first.

I finally remembered to join the garden club. Within the first try, I was able to get a wishing well. You don't need to have an awesomely made garden..just make it big enough. I have a 6x6 farming land/plot/garden (whatever) and I have two trees. That's it. Well, it also helps that Alief and Afella has golden badges in gardening so everything is thriving.

In the wee hours of the night, Aadi decided to take advantage of the wishing well. She wished for Romance and landed Alvin. It is an added benefit that she has three-bolts with him! I can certainly say that wishing for love will be a trend for this family!

I already pretty much made up my mind that my Aadi will be marrying this sim. See what a fantastic gift-giver he is? This added nicely to the family funds!

Urk. This isn't what it seems. I actually had Aden blow his candles earlier but for some unknown reason he absolutely refused to transition. So it wasn't until he woke up HOURS later that he grew by himself. Isn't he adorable?

Gurr. What did we ever do to you?

"Your legacy sims are a menace!"

You two are just jealous.

(Yes, for some reason my neighborhood must be filled with mean Sims who have nothing better to do than knock over MY trashcan. GURK)


And here I leave you! I hope you enjoyed it and I'll be updating soon! Happy holidays!